DARCARS Toyota of Silver Spring

Dec 17, 2022

Here in Silver Spring, MD, we can get some pretty cold days during the winter. Keep your vehicle running reliably by following these tips for protecting your car in the cold weather.


Get It Inspected

You don’t want any surprises once you hit the road. A cold, slushy day is the last day you want your fuel line to start leaking, a brake problem to manifest, or some other preventable issue to become more serious. Head over to your local dealer and get a safety inspection before the season starts. They can also swap out your winter tires.

Car driving in Snow in Maryland Winter

Keep It Full

In the winter, a full fuel tank means a car that is happy. All the gas these days has ethanol in it, and ethanol attracts moisture. Under some conditions, this isn’t so bad, but the problem in winter is that the attracted moisture could become too much, especially if you don’t drive your car for long periods during the week, and the fuel line could freeze up. Ditch your summer habit of letting the fuel drop down to almost nothing before you fill up, and keep your tank at least half full.


Speaking of full, it’s also smart to keep your windshield washer fluid levels, at least half full at all times, too. You need that windshield fluid to help clear the windshield in the mornings, and you should also be getting the special cold-weather windshield fluid for the best results. The regular all-weather stuff just doesn’t cut it during these cold days.


Stay Covered

Your vehicle should perform best and last longest if you keep it covered whenever possible. Use your garage if you have one, and get a cover for your car if you don’t. If it’s too much to put a cover on your car all the time, at least do so before a snowstorm. Not only will this help protect your vehicle, but it will also make it easier to clear off snow after the storm is over.


Wash It Regularly

Even if you don’t wash your vehicle that often in the summer, you should get in the habit of doing so during the winter. All the muck on the streets gets thrown up under your car, and road salt is deadly for your vehicle’s longevity. Salt gets on the middle and causes corrosion, and before you know it, you need parts of the undercarriage replaced or repaired. Wash your car once a week at a car wash that offers an undercarriage wash.


Take your car to DARCARS Toyota of Silver Spring for an auto repair to ensure you’re ready for whatever winter has to send this year. Be sure to visit our blog to discover more tips if you’re looking to learn how to better maintain your car.